What I learnt was on the blue side is the media that I did in the weekend and on the pink side is the thing that I created.
What I was challenging was finding the definition of add media.
Do you use add media.
What I learnt was on the blue side is the media that I did in the weekend and on the pink side is the thing that I created.
What I was challenging was finding the definition of add media.
Do you use add media.
What I learnt was to embed on my blog.
What was challenging was putting the shapes in.
Do you like Maori pattern.
I wrote a holiday story about my birthday it was really fun I enjoyed it.
How do you celebrate your birthday?
What I lint was turning around the shapes
what was challenging was putting the shapes in
do you like putting shapes in.
We were learning how to make predictions.
What was challenging was to put it in my blog
Have you posted videos on your blog?
What I lint was commenting on the blog
what was challenging was going on my blog
do you like commenting
We are learning to reply to comments in our blog.
Do you pot comments on your blog?
What I learnt was summarising words.
What was challenging was to find summarising words.
Do you like summarising?
I am learnt how to insert and image into a Google Document.
What was challenging was writing.
do you like emojis.